Tourist Information Venlo offers you many different ways to discover our city. Choose one of them, make a reservation and discover. You will be surprised at what Venlo has to offer. For more information about guided walks through the city, see our page Guided Tours.
Would you like to explore the beautiful city of Venlo on your own?
Then take our brochure with you. You can get it at our tourist office.
Brochure Stadswandeling Venlo € 2.99
(In Dutch, English and German)
To make a reservation, please feel free to come to our office, call us or send us an email:
Tourist Information Venlo in Bookshop Koops
Klaasstraat 17
5911 JN Venlo
As from of June 2024: Tourist Information Venlo in Bookshop Koops, Keulsepoort 12, Venlo
+31 77-3510900